Friday, April 23, 2010

Sit Spot, Day 14

Nighttime sit.

In the spirit of having fun, I plopped myself down on the earth tonight rather than climbing the tree. The grass was wet with dew, which almost always drives my comfort-driven decision-making away, but tonight I summoned the memory of my playful child self, my bold, reinventing-the-world teenage self, and just sat right down in it, dryness be damned. I discovered that I barely took on any of the dew anyway.

The moon was floating on a long cloud kayak, and casting sure shadows on the land.

Our chicks arrived in the mail today from across the country, having hatched and been shipped off two days ago. One of them had died en route, packed in a box without its mother, stillness, or most other comforts. As I lay down on my back in the grass, I gave thanks for freedoms - clean air, the gift of feeling the ground beneath us, and the simple sky, the limitless sky above us, stretching into oblivion, giving us endless space, freedom.

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