Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bird Meeting

afternoon sit. my brain didn't want to be quiet today, so very few observations. the boy talked about the world as we meandered through the yard on the way to the sit spot, then was quiet and just looked and looked around, until his little head slowly drooped and he ended up asleep in my arms.

three-legged gray came by today with a mate! the mate was larger and fatter than gray; i haven't done the research on squirrel gender sizes yet, but i'm guessing that the mate was larger because it's a male and fatter simply because it has one leg more than gray does, and so can access food more easily. three-legged gray experimented briefly with breaking in to our black oil sunflower feeder, but gave up shortly.

normally we have one or two kinds of birds at the feeder at a time. during a span of five minutes this rainy afternoon, we had at or on the ground under our feeder: little red squirrel, four mourning doves, four red-winged blackbirds, two juncos, a male & female cardinal, goldfinches, sparrows, a grackle, starlings, male & female purple finches, and a downy woodpecker. towards the end of it, my husband and i were just chuckling. it was as though all the birds in the area decided to hold a meeting at our feeder for five minutes.

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