Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday, April 7

brief night sit on the porch with the boy and the dog.

crisp evening, bright stars, gentle breeze, boy under a blanket with a hat.

today the town approved the plans for the house that will be built behind ours; the changes will be starting soon.

our yard has finally reached the halfway point: only half of it remains covered in snow now! it remains deepest in the forest, amongst the bare deciduous trees. it has melted under all the evergreens and on much of the meadow, especially where the melted snow flows and where the ground slopes toward the south. tulips and daffodils have begun to push up above the ground, along with some daylilies.

looking at the stretch of trees that are planned to be cut down for the road, standing tall and dark against the dark sky with the stars above them, it came to me to make a stamp of them for letterboxing, to keep their story alive. (see and if you're interested)

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