evening walk through the land tonight. haven't taken the time to sink into all of my senses in a while. thinking back over my past writings, i can see how it affects the quality of my observations.
still air, very moist, cool.
grass is growing long and green. walking out back tonight, the grass swishing under my feet, i was reminded of the sound horses make as they graze, the distinct and satisfying tear.
many birds singing tonight in the remaining trees.
as i was going outside tonight, a purple finch was perched in the top of the apple bough on our porch, singing and twittering away, happy as a clam. i've never heard a purple finch sing before. they used to visit our birdfeeder for a few minutes at a time, then retreat to the trees to sing.
my husband and i have recognized that because we have to look harder to see the birds at our feeder now, hidden as they are in the boughs on our porch, our eyes will probably be more able to pick them out in trees as we walk in the forest.
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