Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 7, Tuesday, March 4

day sit.

gentle, steady rain fell as i stood under the pine. warm today, 50 degrees. the snow was soft from the rain, made moving through it easy. thoughts continued to hold sway over my awareness, so i created another wake-up call: i leaned slightly to the side so that my cheek held a blackberry twig upright. when i drifted off into thoughts, i'd stand upright and the twig went flying, waking me up.

gave prayers today for a friend who is laboring her little babe into the world right now. also gave prayers for a friend who's been found to have cancer.

the rain made a sparkly sound on the snow, with the occasional familiar loud drops plummeting down as collected rain fell from branches. the pine trunk is mostly exposed now, and the needles that were gathered at the juncture of its trunks spilled down in a motionless waterfall toward the ground, woven loosely together.

mist formed as i stood, first only a few feet above the ground, now up above the treetops. it hovered in place for a bit, then slowly began sliding over the land, down the slopes, across the field.

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