Sunday, March 9, 2008

Day 12, Sunday, March 9 (Daylight Savings)

afternoon sit.

delicious day. sun, clouds, wondrous cold breeze inspiring all the trees to dance, each cluster taking their turn in time. the branches are all free of ice and snow now, and celebrate it, moving lightly, the breeze sliding through them in waves.

sat on a bed of pine needles today, fallen from my pine. wet leaves partially decomposed upon them, sinking through their woven rug.

noticed a far pine today, only because the wind sang through it before reaching the other pines near me. been there all along, but my eye never saw it, its height, anything about it. now, at my computer, i see it for the first time out the window, too. a background tree.

yesterday's rain froze on the snow overnight. now its icy, firm surface elicits trust for a few steps, only to drop me suddenly through to my knee as i move across it.

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