Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sit Spot, Day 31 (May 10)

Afternoon sit. Thought about what someone said about revisiting an old sit spot. During this last day of the challenge, I looked down to my old sit spot at the base of the tree I sit in now and welcomed any memories of those sits that wanted to reveal themselves. What came up didn’t include any specific insights or learnings, but rather filled me with a sense of having been complete during that time, having been deeply in touch with who and what I am. A knowing welled up within me that during those sits during last year’s challenge, I had been nurturing myself in a way that helped me be the person I am supposed to be in this life, the person I am capable of being when I work at it.

This raises the question of whether I am walking that path as closely now as then, since I have been sitting and reflecting on my sits as regularly recently as during that time. I can certainly see that I’ve settled into awareness and silence when I sit – I’m worlds away from where I was when I started this 30-day challenge. But I wouldn’t say that I feel decidedly closer to walking my true path than before. Perhaps growth of this sort can only been seen in retrospect.

I thanked the tree for holding me and hosting my sits, thanked the Earth and her inhabitants for being with me and teaching me during the sits.

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