Friday, May 7, 2010

Sit Spot, Day 28

Night sit.

The air was moist and thick with the scent of cut grass.

Cricket song. Couldn't tell whether it was one or two tonight. There weren't any obviously overlapping calls, but at times it seemed almost constant, making me think there were two calling in tandem. I decided to investigate, and walked towards the calls to determine where the sound was coming from. As I passed under the blossoms of the apple, I looked up to admire them against the night sky and a creature - a moth? - flew against the corner of my mouth.

The sound of the cricket calls was deceptive: I kept thinking myself right upon it, until moving a couple more steps and finding the call coming from over another few yards. The sound finally split and I knew they were two: both situated in long grass on either side of the driveway behind our house. One of them let me come quite close before going silent. When it was calling near me, the sound was so clear and loud that I felt I was hearing the vibrations from the individual ridges on the cricket's body.

One lone peeper, one lone (tree?) frog.

As I looked outside while closing the door behind me, another moth (?) flew into my face, hitting the same corner of my mouth.

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