Saturday, March 29, 2014

Warmth & Mud

A flag for a windy day!  My boy drew it with fabric markers (and a little help from me) on leftover scraps from a  wrap I carried him in as a baby.  Tied it to a stick and strapped it to our deck:

Today's warm weather had the kids outside for hours, he in pjs, she in her "twirly" dress.  Here he works on his first mud ball of the year:

Her little feet, and her little footprints:

Spent last night with some new friends, supporting one in her courageous, laughing, crying healing.  I was moved today to let down my usual guard of not getting myself "too dirty," and played full-on with the kids in the mud.  They both made good use of my changed attitude, smearing mud all over my clothes, delighted to have me squelching my toes along with them in the frigid "ponds" they had dug in the soggy earth.  Felt like the mom I always want to be.